We love camping. Sadly we don't get to do it as much as we would like, but it is a favorite family pasttime nonetheless. We have gathered a pretty decent collection of camping equipment over the past several years, and finally I made a list of what we bring. We are tent campers, so this list would be a little different if you have a trailer. But for other tenters, this may be helpful as you gather supplies.
Before I give you the link, let me explain my method to you - which I learned from my mom when we went camping as a child. All of my camping stuff is in large, clear plastic bins that have a tight-sealing lid. On the lid, I have written what belongs in each box. This year, I will be taping a laminated list of items, since we've gathered so much stuff. There are 2 camping boxes, 1 utility box, and 2 boxes that have everything else. The cleaning supplies are packed inside the wash tubs.
By using the "box" system with labeled lids, it is really easy to pick up and go. It also helps maintain a clean and organized campsite. The final benefit is that it makes it easy to clean up and put things away when you get home. Just look at your list, refill or restock anything that you used during the trip. Then put the boxes away until next time! No fuss, no frantic gathering of supplies, which takes all of the fun out of going!
So, here is the list - there are spaces for you to write in the things that you will need that are specific for your family. And, there will be things you discover that you need and don't have - make sure to write them down! A successful camping trip is a work in progress. Each time you go you learn a little more. Have fun, and I hope you all take your families camping at least once a year - it's an amazing experience!
Camping Supply List (2010 version)
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